Ionic Colloidal Silver Discovery Kit

ionic colloidal silver

ionic colloidal silver

The "Ionic Colloidal Silver Discovery Kit " is the IDEAL way for anyone interested in trying ICS to get started. In the last few years, mainly thanks to the internet, colloidal silver is being 'rediscovered'. This awareness is already being exploited by businesses selling herbal remedies, vitamin & mineral supplements and alternative health companies. I've seen Colloidal Silver for sale at ridiculous costs, working out as much as £400 per Litre! I find this obscene.

Making your own ICS is potentially SAFER AND MORE EFFECTIVE than purchasing what may or may NOT be genuine Ionic Colloidal Silver. You may not know the EXACT 'parts per million' of your ICS, but you WILL know the particle size is small enough, the particles of silver ARE carrying an electrical charge AND that there is NOTHING else apart from pure distilled water and pure silver which you are imbibing. There is debate as to how long ICS will hold it's electrical charge for, but stored in a cool cupboard in the amber glass jar provided you can rest assured it will last at LEAST 10-14 days and perhaps INDEFINITELY. Some researchers have found after 10 months their colloidal silver still has the power to purify water, irrespective of whether it has lost it's charge. However, if generating and ingesting daily the debate is irrelevant.

It is worth mentioning at this point that two products I could no longer live without are my water distiller and nebuliser. The water distiller guarantees under all circumstances that the water you and your family drink is free from contaminants, including chemicals such as chlorine and heavy metals found in tap water. The nebuliser is also something that every household should have. The reason being is that there is NO QUESTION AT ALL that ICS kills upon contact, so when there is ever ANY sort of lung infection or inflammation (bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer asthma etc), inhaling is the quickest and most effective way of eliminating the source of the problem. Although breathing liquid into the lungs sounds insane, hospitals often use simple saline solutions in nebulisers to alleviate breathing problems, and doctors I've spoken to have shown no concern (or even surprise sometimes) when discussing the topic. That said, I have read warnings counselling caution to those suffering from lung infections for the very reason that silver DOES kill upon contact, and could potentially overload one's system.

There are many documents available in the Resource Library listing the astounding properties of silver and the potential benefits. The ONLY known side effect of silver toxicity is a skin condition called Argyria which turns the skin a bluish grey colour. It is believed the term "Blue Blooded" for Royalty arose due to the fact that over their lifetimes they continually ingested silver from their plates, goblets and cutlery, and developed mild Argyria. However, in the last 100 years there have only been a couple of hundred cases worldwide, and there has NEVER been a case reported where this condition has been caused by Ionic Colloidal Silver generated in DISTILLED WATER, EVEN WHEN GIVEN INTRAVENOUSLY (injected).

The kit includes:
  • 27 volt Basic "Always On" Colloidal Silver Generator
  • 2 Silver Wires 99.9%, 2mm x 125mm
  • 1 Silver Wire Holder
  • 1 Scouring Pad
  • 1 250ml Glass Beaker
  • 1 Spray Bottle for topical application
  • 1 Dropper Bottle
  • 1 250ml Amber Bottle for Ionic Colloidal Silver
  • 1 Mini Laser to check for the "Tyndall Effect"
  • Introductory booklet "AgH2O" and Quick Start instructions.

All this for only £39.99 + P&P

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